Is Science a pseudo religion you ask? The answer can only be sustained by either one of two answers-
No, it is not a religion because evidence proves no God exists...
or ...
Yes, it is a religion because they have chosen this belief based on personal choice which was developed based on their way of looking at the world (their personal worldview.)
Think about it...
Science uses empirical data to arrive at conclusions; therefore the conclusions wrought from empirical evidence are true.
Ask the atheist or agnostic scientist if they have a religious belief system; to be either atheist or agnostic they must answer "no."
Therefore, to reach their conclusion they must have used neutral, empirical testing to formulate their true conclusion; the evidence has brought them to their belief. SO---again, science has objectively through neutral, empirical evidence proved either of their systems of belief to be true, science has conclusively established that the origin of life, has conclusive explanation for the miraculous, and conclusively established how we go from being inorganic to organic?
The problem--- science has no conclusion to any of the above examples.
So if there is no empirical evidence to support their belief system, it must be a personal choice.
James W. Dow, in A Scientific Definition of Religion states, “The scientist must understand religion as the complex workings of a human brain that is not responding directly to observable reality. The cause of religious behavior for the scientist does not lie in myth but in an understanding of why human beings do and think what they do.”
In order for this to be true, there has to be empirical evidence. defines religion as:
1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects.
the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices.
The only conclusion that we can draw from all of this information is that religion is a personal choice. Atheist and agnostic scientist adhere to the attributes of both definitions and the conclusion.
Therefore, those who adhere to their atheist and agnostic principles do so not based on science or scientific evidence, but out of their own personal choice...making them members of a pseudo religion.
The end.