So let me get this right…the Occupy people—
They want freedom to speak and act as they wish—but they dishonor then men and women fighting to defend their right to enjoy it.
They want equal access as long as they do not have to give it-- just ask them to leave the areas they are illegally squatting on.
They want everyone to have an equal share—but they can’t even share their food with homeless people—“How dare they take what we worked so long to get together and prepare.” How IRONIC is that!?
They want a share of the corporate pie but do not want to contribute a financial stake in the company just reap the profitable reward for their paid labor.
They want to take out loans for an education, get the education, and then cry when they have to pay back the money they borrowed for an education they received.
They profess peaceful protest—yet a dead man was found within their camp and they didn’t even notify anyone, another shot himself and the emergency personnel were blocked to get to his aid by other Occupy demonstrators, a rare strain of TB has broken out within the ranks in one of their camps and is getting so bad the health officials are calling it an outbreak, another camp poses a public threat because of the rampant STD’s being transmitted, and theft, robbery, and rape crimes have gone up in all of the areas they occupy.
They cry out against the injustices happening to the “little man”—yet their determination to holdout and occupy means they are putting local mom and pop shops out of business because their customers are too afraid to do business where the Occupy demonstrations are— and can we blame them!?
They want to lay around, living off the backs of the working class and then cry that they aren't getting enough.
They have an agenda and are not leaving until they get what they want—seems like they have no real agenda at all and they claim the Tea Party was worse. ? That the Tea Party is actually the bad guy.
Really? You gotta be kidding me!
The Tea Party came, rallied, set an agenda, reached a consensus and went about establishing a respectable organization that is striving to change what they do not like. There were no out of control mobs, no rare outbreaks of TB, no rampant STD’s running amuck, no dead people lying in their mists, no shootings, no thefts, no robberies, no rapes, no businesses had to close down, and no veterans had to be dishonored.
I cannot spend another iota of my time on your foolish games— I am a busy working, single mother who is putting myself through college, paying my fair share of taxes, struggling to make ends meet, raising my son and putting him through college, I live without insurance, and do not live off the backs of anyone else. I may not have all I desire right now, but at least I can take pride in what I do have and the accomplishments I continue to make.
So here’s my FREE $0.03 worth
Stop your senseless belly aching, pull up your big girl panties, wipe your nose, apologize to our veterans and those you ran out of business as well as those who have been injured, stop the stupidity train, go get a job because at this point even a job at McD’s is gonna help (considering you haven’t been working in months), become a productive member of the United States economy, carry your share of the load, and pay your taxes… maybe THEN we’ll have something worth discussing.
Until then, stop saying you are representing all Americans because it is obvious you only represent those who wish to have a free ride. Nuff said!