"The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge." ~TNIV

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Reducing and Removing Chemicals from My Diet

GUILTY~ For years we’ve all known that there are all kinds of chemicals in our foods. Even me...I feel a bit guilty for buying things when I had no idea what long-term effect the products would have on our health. I, like millions of others, did what was convenient and cost efficient.

Let’s forget that the FDA regulates these chemicals for us to eat—they let us ingest all kinds of junk for one reason- food is a BIG business…period!
Just one tiny example is yellow 5…found in hundreds of products such as commercial eggs (it’s the dye in poultry feed to make the yolks yellower), most candies, cake mix, gum, sports drinks, and on-and-on...anyway, it is tartrazine, a benzene product…benzene
is naturally found in, and synthesized from, the processing of petroleum, which of course comes from crude oil. It used to be used in gasoline but The Fed made them stop using because it is a known carcinogen. But they can put it in our food—right?!
Enough of that for now, back to the point…

Well, I recently really applied myself to making an all-out consorted effort to eat freshly cooked meals and reduce chemical in-take as much as possible. Of course, unless I make everything from scratch and make sure to use one hundred percent organic (not in my budget) foods, I won’t be able to remove every chemical, but buddy…I can greatly reduce what we’ve been putting in our mouths. Hopefully I can be rid of some horrible headaches that I get every once in a while and help our bodies cleanse out the build-up of chemicals in the process.

For the sake of JMC and what growth time he has remaining, my grandgirls and grandson as well as my own health, I have made changes for a better, healthier living.
I found this awesome website, Center for Science in the Public Interest, that has a ready list on their Chemical Cuisine page…a “Summary of the Safety of All Additives”, which helps me to look for chemical that are safe, chemicals to cutback, some to use with caution, and those to avoid altogether. Click here for their Chemical Cuisine page:  Center for Science in the Public Interest

If this small post helps even one other person, it has served its purpose.

Healthier choices mean healthier, longer lives. =}